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The Playground AU

(15 reviews)

Australian Matched Betting Group

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Once you have joined, you will have the option to schedule a call with our team to introduce you to the server!
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Cash Giveaways Every Single Month! + More ;)
Customer Q&A

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Customer reviews
4.93 out of 5
(15 reviews)
User avatar
10d ago
Joined the group last year, was taught everything from the beginning by super friendly and helpful team/other members. Great calls with deep analysis behind each, leading to easy profits, 100% recommend to anyone wanting to start a new side hustle, or just make some extra buck.
User avatar
11d ago
Started in the group a couple months ago, been nothing but profits. Snow and the team give great insights on the games, and are more than happy to help with a queries. Each month is better than the last, and as the group builds it’ll only get better
User avatar
11d ago
Buying yearly was a no brainer - so much value provided. Also appreciates that the team always tries to find ways to improve the server :)
What bookmakers do you use?
We currently provide slips for SportsBet, TAB, NEDS, PointsBet, BetR, Bet365 + Any Attractive Promotions!
How do I cancel my subscription?
Cancellation Policy: Your subscription is set to Auto-Renew by default. In order to cancel you must visit https://whop.com/hub to cancel your subscription. You will not be eligible for a refund if you do not do this before your cycle renews.
If I have questions, how can I get help?
We have a team that provides you with 24/7 support via our ticketing system inside the discord! You can also message us on instagram @theplaygroundfnf
What sports do you cover?
Currently we provide slips for NBA, EPL (most soccer), NRL, AFL, UFC, NFL, Tennis + more!
About the seller
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The Playground AU
Sports Picks β€’ Betting Algorithms

15 reviews

Your premier destination for winning sports betting slips. At The Playground, we specialize in curating meticulously researched and expertly crafted betting slips designed to maximize your chances of success. Our team of seasoned analysts scour the sporting world to identify the most lucrative betting opportunities, delivering winning slips directly to our members.

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